PlayWise offers a range of services for anyone that is supporting a child with an additional need or disability, that lives in the London Borough of Sutton.
If you are a parent/carer who has a child under 3 years you may be eligible to access our wonderful PlayWise Portage Service. A home visiting education service, working with you and your child on their development. PlayWise Portage is available if your child has two or more areas of developmental delay and is demonstrating a minimum of a six month delay which is impacting on their learning.
If your child is aged 0-8 years and, is either over 3 or does not meet the Portage criteria, or indeed if you would just like further support and intervention in the home then take a look at our PIP service (Portage Intervention Plus).
PlayWise recognises the importance of supporting you and your child in the local community and therefore we deliver a number of groups and activities around the borough and in our Hub for children and families.
For parents looking to access support outside of the family home and wanting to meet other parents on a similar journey we offer a number of different services:
- A wide range of community groups for you and your child, in different venues, on different days and with a varied focus for each group.
- We have a membership scheme which gives you access to our lovely PlayWise Community Hub in the heart of Sutton along with a range of other benefits, such as parent yoga, bite size training, guidance & support and a safe place to play with your child.
- A selection of bespoke training, such as EarlyBird, Signalong & Behaviour Management.
- Sleep Counselling.
- Post Diagnosis Support
- Family Support Fund