
In: PlayWise Team

Lockdown Parenting For SEND children with Anxiety and Challenging Behaviours

Parenting a child with SEND can already be challenging and the lockdown has added to those difficulties. At PlayWise we are seeing a significant increase in the levels of anxiety, stress and low mood in the parents we are working with plus similar mental health changes in their children.

Take Better Care Of Yourself

You simply cannot take care of anyone else in your life, if you do not take care of yourself first. Remember, you need it, you deserve it.

Sleep Training Your SEN Child- 5 Steps For Success

As a trained sleep counsellor, I am asked frequently for tips and ideas on how to improve sleep for both parents and their children. It’s complicated and not one size fits all. However, here is my little effort, that I hope will help in some way, if you are struggling with poor sleep.

2020 What A Year!

For PlayWise, 2020 has shown that if you ask for help, it comes in the form of angels from all around you. 

How To Celebrate Christmas With An Autistic Child

Christmas, for a child with Autism also can be the most stressful time, so we have put together top tips based on our experience working with children with Autism to get through the holiday season intact.

Christmas Grotto
A PlayWise Members’ Merry Christmas!

At PlayWise, keeping everyone safe (particularly our vulnerable little ones) is an absolute priority. Therefore we cannot do the same grotto set up as before. So we will do it bigger and better!

Christmas Gift Guide for Children With SEN

Christmas Gift Guide for Children With SEN It’s that time of the year again when you’re trying to find exciting toys for your child or a young relative with special education needs…

Supporting SEND children
Supporting parents of a SEND child

We don’t see the knickers hanging out to dry, we don’t care that you haven’t had a chance to wash up, we don’t care that you haven’t hoovered this week or you’re still in your pyjamas when we arrive at the door. We do care that you are ok.

PlayWise Ready To Deliver Signalong In Sutton

PlayWise is now able to deliver signalong Phase One courses to parents and professionals in the area. This is a very exciting new step for us. The training will enhance the communication skills of the professionals and parents working with children.