2020 What A Year!

Well, this certainly hasn’t been the year anyone was expecting or could have predicted. The impact of Covid has been significant since the day it landed in the UK and the emotional rollercoaster hasn’t stopped for the last nine months. So many things have changed for us this year- from not being able to have the first birthday party for PlayWise to the many amazing fundraising and campaign plans scuppered for obvious reasons. 

2020 has seen some of our SEND children thrive with quality time at home during lockdown as the pace of life slowed, halting completely many social situations like schools, that cause so much anxiety for so many children. Equally, we have seen families with exponential levels of stress and fatigue as they endeavour to take on yet another role to support their child- the role of teacher on top of being a nurse, carer, mediator, advocate, therapist and parent. 

2020 has seen support services for SEND children open and shut down again, cleaning regimes that take as much time as the event that happened before.

For PlayWise however, 2020 has also seen the wonders of community spirit and the power of giving that perhaps has never been so strong. This year has shown that if you ask for help, it comes in the form of angels from all around you. 

With new year approaching with new hopes, new dreams and new plans, PlayWise is feeling thankful and so very proud to be a part of such an incredible community in Sutton. We are thankful to EVERYONE for giving a little or a lot extra this year, whether it has been the donation of time (our wonderful volunteers and team of staff who go above and beyond, the extended support network and critical business friends who have worked tirelessly for free to help develop our organisation️), or the donations to our fundraising campaigns,  or the donation of toys, or the donation of kindness and selfless acts such as food parcels, emergency support for families, the purchase of a Santa suit, gifting of a van, bags of goodies etc. All of these are things that will lift a family and bring a smile or two and you should all feel proud of yourselves. 

Every little step goes a long way. So even if you have just shared a social media post or spread the word about PlayWise, you have helped us to help a family in some way. There are so many inspiring people we have met on our journey, none more so than the families we work with and have the privilege of sharing their child’s journey. The PlayWise community is growing day by day as is the spirit of giving and the support for our little company. 

2020 for PlayWise ends on a community high that is only possible as a result of the community donations- with our Grotto on the Go bringing gifts to the children, food parcels and pamper packs to those who need a little lift. 

We would like to give our thanks in particular for their continued support this year to Andrea Lee – our Non Executive Director, Michael Burch- our Patron, Teresa Miller at Morrisons Sutton, NAS Sutton, Community Champions, Home-Start Sutton, GoodyBagAngels, Sutton Soup, Julie @Reed Business Investments, Maurice @Salesforce, Judy & Mike from the Railway Tavern, Anne Roberts, Sarah Alvi & Pilgrims Quilters…. The list goes on and apologies if we have missed anyone (my brain is stuffed with mince pies this time of year).

We have exciting plans for 2021 and we look forward to taking you along with us on the thrilling journey.
We hope your Christmas was surrounded by those you love and was merry and bright. 

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone!

Thank you for your continued support.

Pam, Yvonne, Andrea, Michael, Teresa, Jess, Michala, Nikki, Zoe, Lesley & Natalie xx